Be Comfortable With Selling

Our introduction to Sales course is designed to help those who are new to sales, or who find sales scary or daunting, to be more comfortable with the activity, thereby winning more new clients and securing more business from existing clients.

Understanding your behaviour preferences, the behavioural preferences of your prospective and existing clients and adapting your behaviour to build better relationships with them is an integral part of the course. 

PRISM provides the means to understanding behaviour and as part of the course, you will complete an online PRISM questionnaire and receive your PRISM Foundation Map & Report.

What's Involved

The 2-hour course consists of videos, downloadable take-aways and a ‘check your knowledge’ quiz.  

The course is divided into 3 sections:

  • PRISM & Self Awareness
  • Sales Process
  • Adaptive Selling

Through PRISM - our online behavioural tool - you will understand your own behavioural preferences and appreciate how enhanced self awareness can help you understand others better.

Understand how to turn strangers into cash in the bank by following a defined sales process.

Adapt your behaviour to build better relationships with clients and prospects at each stage of the sales process.

Get Comfortable Selling Today!

Use your new-found knowledge on behaviour and adaptive selling to build strong, positive relationships that result in increased sales and long-term relationships with clients old & new.

David Mellor, your Course Leader, has 25 years' experience in commercial and investment banking, a consultant on strategic planning and implementation, a mentor to existing and aspiring entrepreneurs where he additionally helped entrepreneurs develop and successfully implement sales strategies.

An Introduction to Sales & Adaptive Selling

Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome and Course Overview

    1. Open Your Mind

    2. Your PRISM Questionnaire

    3. Why Behaviour Matters

    4. Dimension Key Points with Avoided Behaviours

    5. Your PRISM map

    6. Understanding Your Underlying Map

    7. The PRISM Colours & Dimensions

    8. Your PRISM Foundation Report

    9. Your PRISM iMap

    1. Introduction

    2. Characteristics of a Good Salesperson

    3. Perfecting Your Pitch

    4. Sales Qualification Process

    5. Closure

    1. Adaptive Selling

    2. Dominant Green Behavioural Preference

    3. Dominant Blue Behavioural Preference

    4. Dominant Red Behavioural Preference

    5. Dominant Gold Behavioural Preference

    6. Improving Adaptability

    7. Creating a Value Proposition

    1. Test Your Behavioural Identification Skills

    1. Bringing It All Together

    2. Conclusion of Course

    3. I want to enrol on 'Understanding Self & Others - Personal Level' for ONLY £24

About this course

  • £99.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Introducing our Course Leaders

Course Leader David Mellor

From 2001 until 2022 I developed a portfolio of activities which derived principally from 25 years’ experience in commercial and investment banking with HSBC and Deutsche Bank. My consultancy activities embraced strategic planning and implementation and mentoring existing and aspiring entrepreneurs. I provided one-on-one and group mentoring to aspiring entrepreneurs, many of whom were aiming to establish themselves as consultants. One of the areas consistently requiring attention was helping these people to develop and successfully implement a sales strategy. During this time, I became an Honorary Senior Visiting Fellow in the Faculty of Finance at Bayes Business School. I am also a Freeman of the Company of Entrepreneurs, and a Freeman of the City of London... and I am a Certified PRISM Brain Mapping Practitioner.

Business Development Executive Lisa de Garston

Lisa de Garston is the Business Development Executive of PRISM Brain Mapping. Lisa is responsible for liaising with clients & Practitioners enabling them to use PRISM effectively to overcome business challenges. Lisa’s extensive knowledge of all the PRISM applications and her intuitive consultation skills combine to provide great support across the PRISM network. Lisa has over 25 years’ experience in marketing and business development across a range of sectors. Lisa has managed several charity music festivals, organises Wild Mushroom foraging courses & is a keen year-round sea swimmer & motorsport enthusiast.